Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Cruz Plaza

The Cruz Plaza is being created in replacement of the Porter Patch.  What I find interesting about the Cruz Plaza is that it is named after a family from Puerto Rico. This is especially interesting to me because my dad is from Puerto Rico and his last name is Cruz as well. As nice as this picture of what the Cruz Plaza will look like in the future there are many considerations that need to be thought about in terms of the construction site. The site is very open and students are able to walk through it on their way to class. This can be extremely dangerous, especially since many students text on their phones and are easily distracted by friends. The trucks also drive around the Stetson area freely, which can be safety hazard. The workers also need to be aware of the what lies beneath them such as pipelines and gas lines. They need to be aware of the dangers that come with working with such infrastructure. However, I am sure they are fully conscious of all of these things as they are seasoned and professional workers.

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