Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sunflower Plant

Day 1
This is the first day Ryan has been planted. She's watered and ready to go !!!Now we wait.........

Day 5
We have company!!!!!!! Technically this is Ryan crawling into the real world. She's been fed for the day and is now ready for to catch in the sunlight. 

Finally Ryan decided to grace us with her presence. She popped out of the soil and had taken her first step into toddler-hood

Ryan is spreading her wings slowly but surely. She's leaning over a little which doesn't seem like a good sign so I'll feed her and see what happens next,,,,,,

I guess Ryan enjoyed the food because she got a little taller since I last  saw her.  Now that she's getting older and healthier I decided to give her a nicer back drop. Lets call it Red Velvet !!!!
Another day and she's a little bit bigger. However, she is leaning over a little  too much so  I have to  fix that right now !!!

I positioned Ryan in a way where she would stand up nice and tall and be proud of her growth. She is so big !

Ryan has a friend who has decided to mature a little and  join the gang. This is  Chili
Chili is on the move......

The final result !

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